Top 10 Netflix Documentaries For Graphic Designers

Dec 17, 2018

Welcome to Chinodesignsnyc, your trusted resource for all things related to graphic design and website development. In this article, we are thrilled to present our carefully selected list of the top 10 Netflix documentaries that every graphic designer should watch. These educational and inspiring films are packed with valuable insights and visual inspiration, helping you unleash your creativity and enhance your design skills. Let's dive in!

1. Helvetica

Explore the fascinating world of typography with "Helvetica." This documentary delves into the history and impact of the iconic Helvetica font, considered one of the most influential typefaces in graphic design. Discover how this versatile font has shaped the visual landscape and learn from renowned designers who have successfully utilized Helvetica in their work.

2. Objectified

"Objectified" takes you on a journey into the world of industrial design. Gain insight into the minds of the designers who transform everyday objects into functional and aesthetically pleasing designs. From toothbrushes to tech gadgets, this thought-provoking documentary reveals the thought processes and creative strategies behind the objects we interact with on a daily basis.

3. Abstract: The Art of Design

"Abstract: The Art of Design" is a captivating series that showcases the work and creative process of influential designers from various fields. Get an in-depth look into the minds of graphic designers, architects, photographers, and more as they share their stories and reveal the secrets behind their remarkable creations. Prepare to be inspired!

4. Graphic Means: A History of Graphic Design Production

Step back in time with "Graphic Means: A History of Graphic Design Production" and explore the evolution of graphic design production methods. From letterpress to digital design, this documentary unravels the techniques and tools used throughout the decades. Gain a deeper appreciation for the advancements in technology that have revolutionized the way designers bring their visions to life.

5. The Creative Brain

"The Creative Brain" delves into the mysteries of creativity and how the human brain functions during the creative process. Discover the science behind innovative thinking and learn how to enhance your own creative abilities. This documentary will inspire you to tap into your imagination and unlock your potential as a graphic designer.

6. Eames: The Architect and the Painter

Discover the profound influence of Charles and Ray Eames with "Eames: The Architect and the Painter." This documentary offers an intimate look into the lives and creative partnership of the iconic design duo. Learn about their contributions to architecture, furniture design, and graphic design, and witness the impact they have made on contemporary design.

7. Pressing On: The Letterpress Film

Immerse yourself in the art of letterpress printing with "Pressing On: The Letterpress Film." Gain a deeper understanding of this traditional printing technique and its resurgence in the digital age. Explore the rich history and craftsmanship behind letterpress printing, and witness the dedication of designers who keep this timeless art form alive.

8. Beautiful Losers

"Beautiful Losers" explores the DIY and street art movements of the 1990s. Discover the creative journey of a group of artists and designers who challenged conventional norms and found their own unique voices. Gain insight into how they used design to express social and cultural messages, and be inspired by their fearless approach to creativity.

9. Design Canada

"Design Canada" celebrates the impact of design on Canadian culture. Dive into the history of Canadian graphic design and explore iconic branding projects, including the design of the Canadian flag. This documentary sheds light on the stories behind some of the most recognizable and influential designs in Canada.

10. Rams

"Rams" is a compelling documentary that offers an intimate portrait of legendary designer Dieter Rams. Discover the philosophy and design principles that have guided Rams throughout his illustrious career. Learn from his minimalist approach and attention to detail, and gain valuable insights that will elevate your own design work.

With this curated list of Netflix documentaries, you have a wealth of inspiration and knowledge at your fingertips. Expand your design horizons, gain insights from industry experts, and fuel your passion for graphic design. Remember, learning is a lifelong journey, and these documentaries will undoubtedly contribute to your growth as a graphic designer.

Stay tuned to Chinodesignsnyc for more valuable resources, tips, and insights to help you thrive in the business and consumer services industry, specifically in website development. Our dedication to providing high-quality content ensures that you stay ahead in the competitive world of graphic design. Happy watching!

Edward Deng
Thanks for compiling this list! Documentaries can offer invaluable lessons and inspiration for graphic designers.
Oct 20, 2023
Danielle Coronas
I love how documentaries can provide valuable insights into the world of graphic design. Thanks for putting this list together!
Jul 16, 2023
Allyson Jacobsen
As a graphic designer, I'm always on the lookout for new sources of inspiration. Thanks for sharing these recommendations!
Nov 29, 2022
Andrew Lasse
Can't wait to check out these documentaries, always looking for new sources of inspiration!
Nov 10, 2022
Michelle Svarc
Thanks for sharing these recommendations. I'm excited to explore the world of graphic design through these documentaries!
Sep 17, 2022
Mirea Kim
These documentaries will definitely provide valuable insights for aspiring graphic designers.
May 20, 2022
Webb Girard
I'm always eager to learn more about graphic design. These documentaries sound like a great way to do just that.
Mar 4, 2022
Monica McGlothan
Documentaries are a great way to learn and get inspired. Can't wait to binge-watch these!
Mar 1, 2022
Kim Denton
I've seen a few of these documentaries and they have truly inspired my design work!
Dec 15, 2021
Adolph Lehman
I appreciate the effort you've put into curating this list. Looking forward to broadening my knowledge with these documentaries!
May 20, 2021
Lacey Pelly
I can't wait to check out these documentaries. Thanks for the recommendations!
May 8, 2021
Pavel Shchukin
I've been meaning to delve deeper into the world of graphic design. These documentaries seem like the perfect starting point!
Mar 19, 2021
Marcus Bradshaw
I love watching documentaries to get inspiration for my graphic design projects.
Jan 4, 2021
Lisa Hickman
I find documentaries to be a great way to learn new techniques and gain fresh perspectives.
Nov 29, 2020
Kamber Aliu
I appreciate the recommendations. I'll definitely add these to my watchlist!
Jun 27, 2020
Buster Stewart
Can't wait to dive into these documentaries and gain some new design inspiration!
May 19, 2020
Dane Harris
Learning about the creative process of other designers through documentaries is always fascinating.
Aug 24, 2019
Tim Brandt
Documentaries are a great way to learn about the history of graphic design.
Aug 22, 2019
Shawn Englert
The intersection of art and technology fascinates me. These documentaries seem like they'd offer a unique perspective on graphic design.
Jun 4, 2019
Jacob Hope
These documentaries sound intriguing. Looking forward to adding them to my watchlist!
Apr 23, 2019